Barrett esophagus


Barrett esophagus

Barrett’s esophagus is the change of mucosal cells in the lower portion of the esophagus from normal stratified squamous epithelium to simple columnar epithelium. Barrett is a premalignant condition associated esophageal adenocarcinoma.

Prague criteria

Dutch guideline Barrett 2018

ESGE Barrett guideline 2017

Statement 6

Biopsy samples should be taken from all visible mucosal abnormalities. In addition, random 4-quadrant biopsies should be collected every 2cm within the Barrett’s segment, starting from the upper end of the gastric folds. Biopsies from each level should be collected in and presented to the pathologist in a separate container.

Statement 7

Surveillance intervals for nondyspastic BE should be stratified acoording to the length of the Barrett’s segment.

i. < 1 cm: no surveillance
ii. Between 1 and <3 cm: 5 year
iii. Between 3 and <5 cm: 3 years
iv. More than 10 cm should be referred to an expert center
v. If the patient has reached 75 years of age at the time of his/her last surveillance and has no previous evidence of dysplasia, no subsequent surveillance should be performed

Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only. Always check whether there is a new guideline update.

Last update: 10-12-2020