Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s Disease (SES-CD score)

  Colonoscopy, Crohn’s disease, IBD

The Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s Disease (SES-CD) is a tool used by healthcare professionals to evaluate the severity of Crohn’s disease during an endoscopy. This scoring system assesses four key parameters in different segments of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Ulcer size: The diameter of the largest ulcer.
  2. Ulcerated surface: The percentage of the surface area that is ulcerated.
  3. Affected surface: The percentage of the surface area that is affected by inflammation.
  4. Narrowing: The presence and severity of any narrowing of the bowel lumen.

Each of these parameters is scored from 0 to 3, with higher scores indicating more severe disease. The scores for the four parameters are summed for each segment of the gastrointestinal tract (typically the ileum and colon), and then these segment scores are summed to give an overall SES-CD score.

Download the SED-CD form in PDF format here!

SegmentParameterScore 0Score 1Score 2Score 3Segment Score
IleumUlcer sizeNo ulcersUlcers ≤ 0.5 cmUlcers > 0.5 cm and ≤ 2 cmUlcers > 2 cm
Ulcerated surfaceNone≤ 10%10–30%> 30%
Affected surfaceUnaffected≤ 50%50–75%> 75%
NarrowingNoneSingle, can be passedMultiple, can be passedCannot be passed
Right ColonUlcer sizeNo ulcersUlcers ≤ 0.5 cmUlcers > 0.5 cm and ≤ 2 cmUlcers > 2 cm
Ulcerated surfaceNone≤ 10%10–30%> 30%
Affected surfaceUnaffected≤ 50%50–75%> 75%
NarrowingNoneSingle, can be passedMultiple, can be passedCannot be passed
Transverse ColonUlcer sizeNo ulcersUlcers ≤ 0.5 cmUlcers > 0.5 cm and ≤ 2 cmUlcers > 2 cm
Ulcerated surfaceNone≤ 10%10–30%> 30%
Affected surfaceUnaffected≤ 50%50–75%> 75%
NarrowingNoneSingle, can be passedMultiple, can be passedCannot be passed
Left ColonUlcer sizeNo ulcersUlcers ≤ 0.5 cmUlcers > 0.5 cm and ≤ 2 cmUlcers > 2 cm
Ulcerated surfaceNone≤ 10%10–30%> 30%
Affected surfaceUnaffected≤ 50%50–75%> 75%
NarrowingNoneSingle, can be passedMultiple, can be passedCannot be passed
RectumUlcer sizeNo ulcersUlcers ≤ 0.5 cmUlcers > 0.5 cm and ≤ 2 cmUlcers > 2 cm
Ulcerated surfaceNone≤ 10%10–30%> 30%
Affected surfaceUnaffected≤ 50%50–75%> 75%
NarrowingNoneSingle, can be passedMultiple, can be passedCannot be passed
Total Score

To use this table:

  1. Evaluate each parameter for the five segments (Ileum, Right Colon, Transverse Colon, Left Colon, Rectum).
  2. Assign a score (0-3) for each parameter in each segment.
  3. Sum the scores for each segment to get the segment score.
  4. Add up all segment scores to get the total SES-CD score.